The Unknow Universe - Dr Richard Hammond

The Unknown Universe describes how physicists interpret the creation of the universe and the components that connect it. From dark matter to the string theory this book covers vast amounts of information pertaining to modern physics theories and developments. It relates the old to the new and points out unique, well thought ideas of Hammond into an interesting, clear perspective for the reader.


  1. dibs (will finish comenting later)

  2. really thouroughly (spelt right?) written, was enjoyable (though a bit difficult, cause noobs distracting me)to read, and i learned alot from it. My favorite portion was about the cosmic ray paradox, i had no prior knowledge about cosmic rays and how supernova explosions happened, and it's good to know random little facts like that, especially when they are interesting and exciting. i'll probably be looking in to finding a bit more reading about supernova stars as i've always been fascinated by the idea, just never had any knowledge of it/continuously forgot to seek it out.

    great job flash (y)

  3. Dib... P.S. the "Matthew Effect" the author said got its name from somewhere in the Bible... I don't really remember but when I get my book back from my friend I lent it to I shall inform you further!

  4. Well, I must say this is an interesting book you chose here. It did seem quite confusing to read, or at least I felt that through the constant reminder of things going far above you head, haha. But the part I thoroughly enjoyed was the part about Dark Matter. It has always interested me that there was something that had such a massive force that it could actually BEND LIGHT! Like really, that is awesome! And it was really interesting to find out that there were two types of Dark Matter, hot and cold. But my question is, if you said that this is coming from the center of the universe (which if I understood it correctly is what you said) then where is it coming from? Just thought I would throw that out there.
    Well over all it was enjoying to read, and did I mention that a lot of it went over my head? Lol, well written and enjoyable, good job!
